1. UOC
  2. Examinations
  3. Rules & Regulations

Rules & Regulations


To meet the requirements of HEC and PEC and other regulatory bodies up to the level of satisfaction with accuracy, transparency and confidentiality within desired me.


• Impartiality • Integrity • Accuracy • Transparency • Credibility • Secrecy

  • To implement reliable and credible examination system
  • To establish error free examination system
  • To maintain high level quality standards
  • To make the announcements of results automated and create user friendly environment

Academic Programmes

Bachelor of Science/Arts Degree shall be awarded in all those disciplines which will be approved by the competent authority/ designated Forums and offered in the university or in any affiliated institute.

Duration of the Degree Programme

• The minimum duration of the degree programme shall be four academic years (i.e. Eight Regular Semesters) While the maximum duration allowed is seven years.

• Not with standing anything to the contrary contained in these regulations, no candidate shall be admitted to an examination after the expiry of seven academic years. This period shall be counted from the date of his registration to the first semester in the University. Provided that in case a candidate is admitted directly to a higher class (by migration or transfer of credits), he shall not be admitted to an examination after the expiry of the remaining period for the session to which he is admitted.

Credit Hours for the Award of Degree:

• The total number of credit hours required for the award of degree shall be 130‐136 (Each department will specify separately) while the number of credit hours per semester shall be 15‐18 (exclusive of additional courses). Overall a student may take 21 Credit Hours including additional courses. The courses of study, the credit hours allocated to each subject, the total credit hours offered in a semester and the detailed syllabi shall be as approved by the competent authority / Forum.

Minimum CGPA for the Award of Degree

• A minimum CGPA of 2.0/4.0 for the total passed semesters of a degree programme shall be required for the award of degree. The student affected by this regulation shall have the op on to repeat the courses in which his grade is C or less within the maximum allowable me period (07 Academic Years).

Medium of Instructions

• The medium of instructions and examinations shall be English for all subjects except Islamic Studies and Pakistan Studies for which the medium of instructions and examinations shall be either Urdu or English.

Repeating and Improvement of Courses

• An academically deficient student, either regular or casual, shall be allowed to repeat/ improve the courses during the summer semester, if possible to offer, as well as during the regular semesters whenever the teaching and examination schedule makes it possible for him to register himself for the additional courses with junior classes and to take the mid and end semester examinations. A student shall be allowed to repeat as many courses as possible to improve the grades during the entire degree program.

• In case of repetition/ improvement of a course the student shall have to pay course registration and examination fee as prescribed by the University. It shall be noted that a student can only improve a grade lower than C (i.e. C‐, D& F).

Registration of Additional Semester Courses

• An academically deficient regular student shall be allowed to get himself registered for as many additional courses with junior classes, such that his total semester loading does not exceed 24 contact hours per week. Similarly an academically deficient casual student will be allowed to get himself registered for as many courses in his post eighth semester such that his total semester loading does not exceed 24 contact hours per week.
(1 Credit Hour of Theory = 1 Contact Hour) / (1 Credit Hour of Lab. = 3 Contact Hours)

Summer Semester

• (i) Summer semester shall be primarily for those students who want to repeat / improve certain courses to make up for their academic deficiencies. So no new course shall be opted by any student except those students who are sent on any type of cultural exchange program to any other or foreign university.

(ii) An academically deficient student, either regular or casual, shall be allowed to get himself registered for maximum of 24 contact hours per week (if possible to offer) in an optional summer semester.

(iii) The minimum strength to offer a course in Summer Semester will be Five (05) students. However, the competent authority may relax the condition of five (05) students on the recommendations of the Chairman of the concerned Academic Department only for graduating and casual students.

(iv) Teaching Shall be mandatory for all offered courses in summer semester.

(v) The contact hours during the summer semester shall be doubled to ensure that the course is completely taught in a summer semester with half of the dura on compared to regular (Fall or Spring) semester.

(vi) Letter Grade awarded during summer semester shall not be more than a “B” grade except the students on cultural exchange program. Also no “I” grade will be awarded in summer semester.

(vii) The registration, attendance, conduct of examination and result display policies etc. during the summer semester shall be same as in regular semester.

(viii) It shall be in the best interest of the students to clear their failed courses or the courses where they want to improve their grades by repeating the courses as early as possible. The University will not be responsible to offer failed or improvement courses in the final year unless and until the other conditions of summer semester registration are fulfilled.

Semester Registration

The registration of the students for each semester other than the first semester shall be made by the concerned Academic Department of the University. The registration for the first semester shall be made by the admission office.

a. The registration of the students for each semester shall be completed ten (10) days prior to the start of the semester by the chairman of the academic departments in accordance with the Academic Calendar notified by the Director Academics. The application forms shall be obtained from the office of the chairman of the concerned department. After necessary verifications, the chairman of the department will notify the list of registered students within ten days of the start of regular semester and four days of the start of summer semester. He will also forward these lists to all concerned within two weeks.

b. In case of a regular semester, if a student fails to register himself / herself for cogent reasons, a fine of Rs. 100/‐ per day will be charged till the first day of the commencement of classes. After that, his name will be removed from the rolls of the university and he will have to pay the readmission fee and fine before he is readmitted. Application to this affect shall be submitted to the concerned Dean of Faculty.

c. If a student fails to get registered for a regular semester, till one month after start of semester, he will be treated as suspended from University. The suspension can be lifted by the orders of the VC only along with readmission fee and fine.

d. For above both cases (b & c) the student will not claim any other relaxation in the rules governing for teaching, attendance and examinations.

Attendance Requirements

No candidate shall be eligible to appear in an End Semester Examination unless the following conditions are fulfilled:

a.   He has been on the rolls of the University during the semester for which the examination is being held.

b.   He is not debarred from taking the examination under the University rules and regulations in‐force for the me being.

c.   He has ended a minimum of 75% of the total number of lectures delivered, the laboratory periods held, design and practical work done in a course during the Semester for which the examination is being held. The Dean of the concerned faculty may, for valid reasons, condone this deficiency up to 10% on the recommendations of the Chairman of the department in consultation with the course teacher concerned.

d.   If a student does not fulfill the condition of attendance, he shall be awarded an F‐grade in that course whether theory or practical and will have to re‐register for that course in the summer semester if offered or in a regular semester (as an additional course) in which the course is being offered.

e.   The course teacher concerned will prepare the attendance record separately for theory and practical courses and will display and forward the list of such candidates who do not fulfill the condition of attendance to the Controller of Examinations through the Chairman of the Department and the Dean of the concerned Faculty immediately after the completion of the teaching session. Such candidates shall not be allowed to appear in the end semester examination of that course.

f.   At the end of each month, the teacher concerned shall send to Chairman of the Department, a statement giving the total number of lectures delivered and practical conducted by him together with the number of lectures and practical attended by each student.

Instructions for Students during Examination

a.   The answer script should not be used for any purpose other than writing answer to questions in the examination hall. Illegal use of answer script would lead to prosecution.

b.   Begin writing your answer from the back of the title page of the answer script. This page must not be le blank in any case.

c.   Write on both sides of each leaf.

d.   Candidates guilty of making appeals to the course teacher(s) in their answer script will entail the penalty of cancellation of the answer script through which such appeal is made.

e.   No answer script or paper of any kind is to be taken in or removed from examination hall/room except the question paper.

f.   No leaf from the answer script is to be torn off.

g.   Any candidate creating disturbance during the examination or misbehaving in or around the examination hall/room shall be expelled therefrom and shall be liable to disciplinary action.

h.   The answer script must be delivered to the superintendent even If no question has been answered.

i.   Candidates are not permitted to leave the examination hall/room until the expiry of half time after the distribution of question paper.

j.   Candidates found using UNFAIR MEANS shall be liable to disciplinary action.

k.   Use of programmable calculator is prohibited unless specially allowed by the course teacher and clearly mentioned in the question paper.

l.   Only blue/black ball pen is allowed to be used. Do not use marker/pen or ball pen of any other color.

m.   Use of white fluid and ink remover is strictly prohibited which can result into the cancellation of entire answer script.

n.   Mobile phone is not allowed in the examination hall/room. Violation will lead to unfair mean case.

Unfair Means Committee

a.   Constitution of the Committee

The Vice‐Chancellor shall appoint a committee comprising of the following:
i. Chairman of Committee of Professor/Associate Professor rank
ii. Three members from the faculty of Professor/ Associate Professor/Assistant Professor rank
iii. COE (Member/Secretary)
The meeting of the committee may be convened having quorum of at least three members including COE.

b. Functions of the Committee

The committee will function according to the approved “unfair means Rules and regulations.